The body of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been turned over to his mother, as announced by Ivan Zhdanov, director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, via his Telegram account on Saturday. Zhdanov expressed gratitude to everyone who advocated for the return of Navalny’s body to his mother amid accusations against President Vladimir Putin for attempting to orchestrate a secretive funeral following Navalny’s death in an Arctic penal colony.
Accusations Against President Vladimir Putin for Alexie Navalny’s death
Yulia Navalnaya, Navalny’s widow, accused Putin of disrespecting Christianity by pressuring his mother into agreeing to a clandestine funeral arrangement. Zhdanov confirmed the handover of Navalny’s body, acknowledging the collective efforts made to secure its return.
Ongoing Legal Battle and Allegations
Navalny,47, Russia’s prominent opposition figure, passed away unexpectedly on February 16 in an Arctic penal colony, prompting his family’s prolonged struggle to reclaim his body. The delay fueled outrage, leading to calls for its release and resulting in further sanctions against Russia by Western nations as well as for the second anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine.
Navalny’s mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, remains in Salekhard, where she has been demanding the return of her son’s body for over a week. Navalnaya’s press secretary, Kira Yarmysh, emphasized that the funeral arrangements are still pending, questioning whether authorities will honor the family’s wishes for a proper farewell to Navalny.
Continued Legal Proceedings and Uncertainty
Navalny’s widow revealed earlier that authorities had subjected Navalny’s mother to distress, coercing her into accepting a burial at the Arctic prison, alleging that the body was rapidly decomposing. Navalnaya vehemently demanded the return of her husband’s remains, accusing authorities of tormenting him in life and death.
The refusal to release Navalny’s body has triggered arrests across Russia, as individuals express solidarity with the opposition leader. Despite Kremlin denials of involvement in Navalny’s demise, accusations persist, prompting widespread condemnation and demands for justice.
Public Outcry and Allegations Against Putin
Prominent figures, including musician Nadya Tolokonnikova and Navalny’s aides, have called out Putin’s alleged hypocrisy and urged him to honor Navalny’s legacy by returning his body to his grieving family. Amid mounting pressure, Navalnaya’s legal battle to retrieve her son’s body continues, challenging officials’ assertion of “natural causes” for Navalny’s death.
Authorities have detained scores of people as they seek to suppress any major outpouring of sympathy for Putin’s fiercest foe before the presidential election he is almost certain to win. Russians on social media say officials don’t want to return Navalny’s body to his family, because they fear a public show of support for him. Navalnaya accused Putin, an Orthodox Christian, of killing Navalny. “No true Christian could ever do what Putin is now doing with the body of Alexei,” she said, asking, “What will you do with his corpse? How low will you sink to mock the man you murdered?”