Christopher Luxon, the 53 year old, who went from Air NZ’s Chief executive to Businessman and now PM was sworn in to his position on Monday. The ceremony commenced in the presence of Governor General Cindy Kiro who is also the first Maori woman to be in her position
The Xinhua News Agency reported that the grand swearing in ceremony included the Maori Karakia or the Maori incantations for guidance and protection and the national anthem.
Since voters ended the six-year rule of the center-left Labour government in October’s elections, New Zealand has been under a temporary government. Chris Hipkins from the Labour Party, who took over as Prime Minister in January after Jacinda Ardern, admitted defeat a few hours after the polls closed.
Luxon, who is in charge of the center-right National Party, said that his party teamed up with the conservative ACT and populist New Zealand First parties. This collaboration gives them sufficient seats to lead the government.
Even though Luxon was expected to become the PM because his party did well in the election, it took six weeks of challenging discussions to agree on a shared set of policies with coalition partners. These partners had different campaign focuses on aspects like taxes, race relations, and economic management.

National Party’s Manifesto
National Party’s Luxon had an eight point manifesto for the elections that focused on taxation, healthcare wait time reduction and law and order.
The manifesto included the following : 1)Reducing the rise in prices and making the country’s economy bigger, 2)Reducing taxes, 3)Constructing important roads as part of the Roads of National Significance plan, 4)Starting boot camps for young criminals and making punishments stricter, 5)Improving school performance by having a dedicated hour for reading, writing, and math, and not allowing cellphones with regular assessments, 6)Decreasing the time people have to wait for healthcare by training more healthcare workers, 7)Helping older citizens with the Winter Energy Payment and increasing their pension every year, 8)Working towards making New Zealand’s emissions zero by 2050.
However, according to Gordon Campell, all three parties in the coalition seem determined to undo any acknowledgment of identity politics related to race or gender. They are especially against taking any action to address the existing disparities in health, education, and opportunities that stem from the country’s colonial history.
About Christopher Luxon
Christchurch-born Luxon is the oldest of three sons. He grew up in a Roman Catholic family and met his wife Amanda when they were both 15 at a church youth group. While working as a hotel porter, Luxon pursued a master’s degree in commerce at the University of Canterbury. He also attended many of his father Graham’s lectures on sales.
He has marketed himself as a relatable family man engaged in doing his home’s renovation himself despite being a millionaire and sharing his fondness for country music and waterskiing.
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